A white-tailed ptarmigan, halfway molted from summer plumage. I especially like the red eyelid you can see.
Blowing snow gusts across Echo Lake.
Northern lights are always worth losing sleep over!
These blades of ice are the result of an ice storm, followed by a warm (near freezing) humid day.
The white of the hoarfrost on these trees provides a strong contrast to the deep blue of the sky.
An abandoned mine building above Leadville, CO. There are lots of old mine towns, but Leadville is special in how closely everything is grown together. Turn east on 7th street. Drive for 10 minutes. Congratulations, all the mines you could ever ask for.
A reflection flip off a frozen beaver pond looks almost real, but adds an angry tint to the sky.
Center of frame is the bottom half of Pikes Peak. The size of this mountain only becomes obvious when you’re a long way off; this shot is from 40 miles to the north and it’s still the largest feature of the landscape.
Occasionally Lake Superior is calm enough on cold nights to freeze over a large area of the with thin ice. Once a breeze picks up it pushes the ice onto the shore making what look like piles of broken panes of glass.
This was the best day I’d seen for spring canoeing on Lake Superior. Perfectly calm, the ice was drifting out instead of packed in the bays. The world looks different from level with the flows.