Flying Ibis
These Ibis, along with a number of other species of birds were everywhere in Brazos Bend State Park, taking advantage of high water for easy hunting.
These Ibis, along with a number of other species of birds were everywhere in Brazos Bend State Park, taking advantage of high water for easy hunting.
Discarded WiFi antennas yellow as they age. One unneeded antenna per device turns into a massive pile of waste.
These are some of the out buildings on the historic Beckwith Ranch near Westcliffe Colorado. The ranch is quite picturesque with the wide fields backed by the mountains contrasting the white buildings.
An abandoned mine building above Leadville, CO. There are lots of old mine towns, but Leadville is special in how closely everything is grown together. Turn east on 7th street. Drive for 10 minutes. Congratulations, all the mines you could ever ask for.
Hydrangea flowers are very showy and long lasting, providing color through much of the summer and fall.
Mountain aspen grow tall and straight, pushing leaves out of the valley to the sun. This picture mixes strong vertical lines with just enough chaos to make it interesting.
This plum tree was completely covered in blossoms this spring, but this branch caught my eye because the cluster at the end of the branch was almost shaped like a pineapple.
The late afternoon lighting gives a unique color to these apple leaves and blossoms.
High water from heavy rain and spring runoff combined filled this dam spillway at Pattison State Park much more than normal, affording the amazing foam patterns and contrast.