Red Canyon View
This is a view of the rocks which form Red Canyon near Cañon City Colorado. The color forms a striking contrast with that of the nearby mountains.
This is a view of the rocks which form Red Canyon near Cañon City Colorado. The color forms a striking contrast with that of the nearby mountains.
A blustery day often provides spectacular waves on Lake Superior, with strong East winds making the waves break impressively over the Superior Entry breakwater.
I captured a honeybee collecting nectar off of a rabbit bush in Cherry Creek State Park. As a beekeeper, late season honey from flowers like these tends to be strongly flavored and crystalize easily, which is in contrast with early season clover and fruit tree honey. Whether you like this is a matter of taste.
These two Red-headed Woodpeckers are part of a family of four that were catching bugs out of the air. The immature at the bottom of the picture almost missed the landing.
This was a spectacular sunrise, with the orange seen here fading through pink and purple as the morning progressed.
This storm has completely overwhelmed the gutters on the building. Water pours down the walls, down the stairs, and over the lamp. Fortunately no sparks were seen.
Lake Superior offers many types of shoreline. This particular rock shore is on Madeline Island, and provides wonderful spray from waves breaking.
Mountain aspen grow tall and straight, pushing leaves out of the valley to the sun. This picture mixes strong vertical lines with just enough chaos to make it interesting.