Green Vision
These green butterflies are the tailed green jay (graphium agamemnon), native to parts of south Asia and the pacific islands. I had the opportunity to see them at a butterfly exhibit at Como Park Zoo in St. Paul MN.
These green butterflies are the tailed green jay (graphium agamemnon), native to parts of south Asia and the pacific islands. I had the opportunity to see them at a butterfly exhibit at Como Park Zoo in St. Paul MN.
I needed a break from traveling so I found the most squiggly road on the map and drove up it. Somewhere in norther New Mexico At the end was nothing but a gate to a field but the view coming back down was worth the detour. I didn’t notice the deer until editing.
Mountainsides covered in flowers are a spectacular sight, and these mountains were completely covered in Indian Paintbrush and Bluebells. This was a cloudy day at the Johnston Ridge Observatory near Mt Saint Helens, so the trees and flowers were most of the visible sights.
A fast thunderstorm forced me under a bridge, watching the rain try to fill up Toll Gate Creek. It gave up before it got very far.
Occasionally Lake Superior is calm enough on cold nights to freeze over a large area of the with thin ice. Once a breeze picks up it pushes the ice onto the shore making what look like piles of broken panes of glass.
This was the best day I’d seen for spring canoeing on Lake Superior. Perfectly calm, the ice was drifting out instead of packed in the bays. The world looks different from level with the flows.
This mother mallard was determined to stay on her nest, which made it easy to get good photos. The evening light filtered through the trees on the shore nearby made for this soft beautiful light.
As the laker Stewart J. Cort comes into harbor the evening sun reflects off all all roughness on the smoke stack. The short days and long sunsets of winter bring out dramatic views until ice finally stops the ships.
The bright primary colors make for a bold, eye-catching palette.
In this abandoned mine water seeps from every wall. I really don’t know how they kept it pumped out. But the moss loves it, catching each drop that flows from the ground.