Spring Shine
I’ve been looking forward to this time of year again with all of its bright colors and fresh smells. I have some winter pictures to post here but the colors here made me want to finish this one first.
I’ve been looking forward to this time of year again with all of its bright colors and fresh smells. I have some winter pictures to post here but the colors here made me want to finish this one first.
This was taken in Rocky Mountain National Park Colorado. It was a chilly July day with a strong wind and spotty cloud cover. Beautiful weather and scenery to match!
Canon T5 - 1/1000 sec. - f-5.7 - 180 mm - ISO-100
Believe it or not that is ice covered water! This is a panorama taken by my brother using a quadcoptor.
3/31/2017 - Canon T5 - f-7.1 - 1/1600 sec. - ISO 200 - 55mm
This is an image that I took shortly after most of the ice had melted off the harbor and rivers in the area. It was a warm sunny afternoon, and there were a number of people out enjoying the warm spring weather.
Canon T3 - September 24, 2016 - 18 image focus stack
This image is the result of a technique called focus stacking, which involves taking a number of photos with slightly different focus, and merging the in-focus areas from each into a single final photo. I used the alignment engine and masking engine from Hugin, and hand masked a darker exposure of the background into the image.
Nikon D40 - October 19, 2013 - 1/200 sec. - ISO-800 - f-4.5
This is an image I found while digging through my photo archive. I basically just did some white ballance for this one.
This is a photo from the Big Sucker Creek along Lake Superior's North Shore. It is actually three photos taken at different exposures combined into an HDR (Hi Dynamic Range) image, and then mapped back into the color space that a computer can display. I have been trying a number of different programs to produce this sort of image, and this particular one was merged and tone mapped in Google's HDR Efex Pro 2, which is part of the Nik Collection.
This is a panorama stitched with Hugin from 13 photos and color corrected with GIMP.